Python Control Flow and Logical Operators


Today is Day 3 of the Angela Yu course 100 Days of Code — The Complete Python Pro Bootcamp for 2021.

Day 3 — Control Flow and Logical Operators

On Day 3 Angela teaches the following:

  1. Control Flow
  2. Logical Operators

At the end of the day you will build a treasure island game.

Control Flow

Control Flow is the order in which a program is executed. This is done using if-elif-else statements.

Logical Operators

Python has 3 logical operators:

  1. and
  2. or
  3. not

Treasure Island

Today’s project was Treasure Island. The user will enter decisions and based on their input the program will behave differently.

You can click here to get all of the solutions of Github.

Have a great day and see you tomorrow!!

Photo by Florian Olivo on Unsplash



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